Using Apple Shortcuts and AI to Transcribe My Handwriting
Reflections on an LLM-Only Coding Project
Learning to code in the age of AI
Sunsets and Verbs
Convincing Future You
6 unsolicited tips for booking Amtrak
How much faster is writing cursive than block letters?
How many wikipedia pages do you need to visit to get a music page?
Using Wikipedia to Find New Music
Things I did to make a typing test
How I approach LeetCode practice
The making of WebInfoKeeper
Return new Promise( resolve => {... (RC Reflection)
Intro to python decorators:
Accountability mechanisms can be joyful
Recovering from a journaling hiatus
[ScreenLike] Update 2: Towards a minimum viable product
Claude is obsequious when it realizes it is wrong
[ScreenLike] Update 1: Why make a screen-time browser extension?
Measuring Jailbreaks and Adversarial Robustness on a Toy Problem: Fixed Syntax